Stilling: Forsker

Utdanning: Ph.D.

Tlf: 408 53 067


Adresse: Tyrilisenteret Oslo, Normannsgt 47, 0655 Oslo

Dussauge jobber primært med utviklingsområdet seksuell helse i rusbehandling. Hen deltar også i Tyrilis Brukerrådsmøter som representant for Tyrili FoU.
I avsluttende fase av post doc arbeid ved Universitetet i Oslo med tema Utvikling av brukerorganisasjoner på rusfeltet og biomedikalisering av rusfeltet i Norge.

  • Brukerorganisering og brukermedvirkning
  • Historisk og sosiologisk forskning
  • Seksuell helse
  • Kjønns- og seksualitetsmangfold
  • Kvalitativ metode

Lee, F., Jülich S. & Dussauge, I. (2024) The Politics of Vlauation: Value Disjunctures in Bioethics and Fetal Research During the 20th Century. Nordic Journal of Science and Technology Studies 12(1). 

Dussauge, I. & Lekanger, A. (2022). Sex, rus og epistemisk rettferdighet. Senter for tverrfaglig kjønnsforsknings kunnskapsbank. 

Dussauge, I. & Lekanger, A. (2022). Sex, rus og kunnskapsproduksjon. Medisinbloggen.

Anne K. Lie, Helena Hansen, David Herzberg, Alex Mold, Marie Jauffret-Roustide, Isa Dussauge, Samuel K. Roberts, Jeremy Greene, and Nancy Campbell (2022) "The Harms of Constructing Addiction as a Chronic, Relapsing Brain Disease" American Journal of Public Health 112:104_S108,

Dussauge, I. (2019). Foster mot polio: Virusforskning, abort och tystnad i Sverige 1950–1970. In: M. Eklöf (ed.), Medicinska moraler och skandaler: Vetenskapens (etiska) gränser i historiskt perspektiv. Stockholm: Carlsson bokförlag

Don’t Stop The Motion (2019). Ikon / Icon: A Visual History of the Unborn . Premiere på Fredrikstad Animasjonsfilmfestival og lansering på NTM.

Dussauge, I. (2018). Sexe, argent et modèles neuronaux du désir. In: D. Gardey and M. Vuille (eds.), Les sciences du désir : La sexualité féminine, de la psychanalyse aux neurosciences. Lormont: Éditions Le Bord de l’Eau.

Dussauge, I. (2017). Brains, Sex & Queers 2090: An Ideal Experiment. In: C. Cipolla, K. Gupta, D. A. Rubin, and A. Willey (eds.), Queer Feminist Science Studies: A Reader. Seattle: University of Washington Press.

Dussauge, I. (2015) Sex, Cash, and Neuromodels of Desire. BioSocieties. 10: 444–464
Kaiser, A. and Dussauge, I. (2015). Feminist and Queer Repoliticizations of the Brain., Travaux, 13.04.2015. 

Dussauge, I. , Helgesson, C.-F. and Lee, F. (eds.). (2015) Value Practices in the Life Sciences and Medicine. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Dussauge, I. (2015). Valuation machines: Economies of desire/pleasure in contemporary neuroscience. In: I. Dussauge, C.-F. Helgesson and F. Lee (eds.), Value Practices in the Life Sciences and Medicine. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 

Dussauge, I. , Helgesson, C.-F. and Lee, F. (2015). On the omnipresence, diversity, and elusiveness of values in the life sciences and medicine. In: I. Dussauge, C.-F. Helgesson and F. Lee (eds.), Value Practices in the Life Sciences and Medicine. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 

Dussauge, I. , Helgesson, C.-F. and Lee, F. (2015). Valuography: Studying the making of values. In: I. Dussauge, C.-F. Helgesson and F. Lee (eds.), Value Practices in the Life Sciences and Medicine. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Dussauge, I. Rättelse. Bang, 2/2015

Berner, B., Dussauge, I. (red.) (2014). Kön, kropp, materialitet: Perspektiv från fransk genusforskning. Lund: Arkiv. 

Dussauge, I. (2014). Brains, Sex & Queers 2090: An Ideal Experiment. In: Schmitz, S. & G. Höppner (eds.). Gendered Neurocultures: Feminist and Queer Perspectives on Current Brain Discourses. Wien: Zaglossus.

Dussauge, I. (2013). The Experimental Neuro-Framing of Sexuality. In Berner, B. & C. Kruse (eds.). Knowledge and Evidence: Investigating Technologies in Practice, 27-55.  Linköping: The Department of Thematic Studies, Technology and Social Change, Linköping University. [Reprint.]

Dussauge, I. (2013). The Experimental Neuro-Framing of Sexuality. Graduate Journal of Social Science, 10(1): 124-151

Dussauge, I., Kaiser, A. (2013) Repolitisation féministe et queer du cerveau. Revue d'Anthropologie des Connaissances 7(3): 667–692.

Dussauge, I. and Kaiser, A. (2012) Neuroscience and Sex/Gender. Neuroethics 5(3): 211–215.

Dussauge, I., Kaiser, A. (2012). Re-Queering The Brain. In Robyn Bluhm, Anne Japp Jacobson, Heidi Lene Maibom (red.) Neurofeminism: Issues at the Intersection of Feminist Theory and Cognitive Science. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.

Dussauge, I., Peralta, J. (2011). Instruments of Surveillance Welfare: Computerizing Unemployment and Health in 1960s and 1970s Sweden. I John Impagliazzo, Per Lundin & Benkt Wangler (red.) History of Nordic Computing. Boston: Springer.

Dussauge, I., Gribbe, J., Kaijser, A., Lundin, P., Peralta, J. et al. (2011). Precursors of the IT Nation: Computer Use and Control in Swedish Society, 1955–1985. I John Impagliazzo, Per Lundin & Benkt Wangler (red.) History of Nordic Computing. Boston: Springer.

Dussauge, I. (2010). Sex, lögner och evolutionens förvrängda löften: Harald Eia & Ole-Martin Ihle, Født sånn eller blitt sånn?. Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning, 433-445

Dussauge, I. (2010). Sex, lögner och evolutionens förvrängda löften: Facit. Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning (Online) 

Dussauge, I. (2008). Technomedical Visions: Magnetic Resonance Imaging in 1980s Sweden. Stockholm: KTH, Filosofi och teknikhistoria. 

Dussauge, I. (2005) Questioning Medical Technology: The Discourse on Technology in Läkartidningen 1978-1985. Polhem–Teknikhistorisk årsbok, nr.1.

Janne Bromseth & Isabelle Dussauge, “Spania som forbilde”, Blikk,1/2005.

Dussauge, I. “Normativa gener, lägenheter och utbildningar”, Wannabe, nr 9 (2005)

Dussauge, I. & Bromseth, J. “HBT-paradis sökes”, Wannabe, nr 9 (2005)

Dussauge, I. & Prieur, D.: ”Ingenjören - en heteronormativ produkt?” i Olsson, Anna-Clara och Olsson, Caroline (red.). I den akademiska garderoben (Stockholm, 2004), s.155–175.